Friday, July 16, 2010

Zarathustran Musing

Esteem yourself neither by the number of instances nor by the intensity of the esteem of others. Does the decadent culture of the crowd prove nothing if not that those who receive the most praise are often, in truth, the least deserving of accolade? As well esteem yourself by the disapprobation you receive—then you know you are doing something that the stupid man cannot understand. Let his hatred be an honor to you; take your bruises for badges and your scars for garlands. As well esteem yourself in accordance with the apathy your efforts encounter, for in creating such as finds no resonance in cheap souls you might assume that you have done something worthwhile. And if your creations should happen to be received with embraces and your words with welcome, look to it that you speak your own soul. Let any semblance of convergence with the sickly commingled spirits of unthinking men be only semblance.

Thus spoke David Kammerzelt.

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