Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tresasure Seekers

Treasure seekers
With their metal detectors
Sifting the sand
For gum wrappers
And pull-tabs

I wonder
If they ever
Make enough
To recoup
Their initial

Should do
A Study

(These city workers in their yellow vests have the right of it; scavenging the sand for the evidence of last night's debaucheries to put into the proper receptacles before someone steps on it and shreds a foot. I think these weekend adventurers would be hard pressed to earn the equivalent of minimum wage with their pathetic treasure seeking. But I'm sure it's more exciting to find a fallen quarter than it is to pick up the ten-thousandth Coors light bottle tossed away by some drunk and selfish fuck, even if it is far more useless.)

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